Every Single Article Written by Johnny - All 103

E3 2013: ‘Ryse: Son of Rome’ Hands-On – Pretty, but Dumb

Posted by: on June 14, 2013 at 3:55 pm
E3 2013: ‘Ryse: Son of Rome’ Hands-On – Pretty, but Dumb


One of Microsoft’s tent pole action games for the November release of their new Xbox One console is Ryse: Son of Rome. Yesterday I went mono-y-mono with the Ryse demo in Microsoft’s E3 booth, and I found that while the game features some incredible graphics and cinematic visuals, the combat is quite brainless, unfortunately.

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E3 2013: “Dead Rising 3” Impressions – Because the Dead Just Keep Rising

Posted by: on June 12, 2013 at 3:16 pm
E3 2013: “Dead Rising 3” Impressions – Because the Dead Just Keep Rising

I heard you like weapons.

Microsoft gave us a sneak peek of their exclusive Xbox One title Dead Rising 3 during their press conference on Monday. Today, I caught an extended demo of the game, which promises hundreds of weapons, thousands of zombies and a sandbox city free of pesky load times. Read the rest of this article…

‘Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2’ E3 2013 Hands-On Hack And Slash Gore Fest

Posted by: on June 12, 2013 at 2:58 pm
‘Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2’ E3 2013 Hands-On Hack And Slash Gore Fest

The dark lord summons thee.

I got my grubby mitts on Konami’s new Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 today. And bonus, I played as Dracula, the ol’ bloodsucker himself.

The demo starts with Dracula sitting on his throne. He’s wearing a really elaborate outfit consisting of a lot of flowing fabric and a rather impractical belt buckle that covers so much of his midriff that I wonder how he is able to bend at the waist. He’s clearly super bored just sitting there being angsty and drinking blood from a golden goblet. If only someone would attack his castle and give him something to kill. Luckily, a bunch of knights bust down his door and the battle is on. Read the rest of this article…

E3 2013 – Bungie’s Destiny Looks Like Halo: The RPG

Posted by: on June 12, 2013 at 12:26 am
E3 2013 – Bungie’s Destiny Looks Like Halo: The RPG

Fulfill your destiny… with Destiny.

E3 2013 is well under way and Bungie’s new online RPG is already getting a lot of buzz. Sony touted the game with a live demo during their press conference and the crowd cheered with appreciation.

Today, I sat down in Activision’s tricked out theater to get a closer look at the demo (which was exactly the same as the Sony presser, right down to the canned banter between the two players). I came away with some excitement, sure. But I also realized that everything about the way the game looked and played just reminded me of Halo. Read the rest of this article…

E3 2013 – Microsoft, What Were You Thinking?

Posted by: on June 11, 2013 at 11:43 am
E3 2013 – Microsoft, What Were You Thinking?

Nothing to see here…

Hey, Microsoft, did you see Sony’s E3 Press Conference last night? Pretty harsh, huh? Did you notice how Sony systematically exposed every one of the Xbox One’s weaknesses? Did you see how the PS4’s price point, connectivity requirements and used game strategy are far more user-friendly than the Xbox One’s?

Seriously, Microsoft, what were you thinking? Read the rest of this article…

E3 2013 – Mirror’s Edge 2 Has Us Seeing Red

Posted by: on June 10, 2013 at 5:39 pm
E3 2013 – Mirror’s Edge 2 Has Us Seeing Red

Hold this position and look dramatically into the distance…

Faith fans rejoice! At the end of their splashy presser today, EA announced Mirror’s Edge 2, for release “when it’s ready.” To me, this was the best news of EA’s conference.

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Dust 514 Has Entered Open Beta

Posted by: on January 22, 2013 at 9:41 pm
Dust 514 Has Entered Open Beta

MMOFPS Meets MMO Space Sim. Binary Peanut Butter Cups?

CCP Games today announced they are moving forward with the development of their upcoming MMOFPS and tie in to the long standing hit MMO Space Sim “Eve Online” with the start of the open beta period for Dust 514, which we had a chance to see (and even play a little) at E3 2012.

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Dexter Season 7 Episode 9 Recap – “Helter Skelter”

Posted by: on November 26, 2012 at 8:03 pm
Dexter Season 7 Episode 9 Recap – “Helter Skelter”

wtf my gf was kidnapped lol. gotta go save her. brb.

When one door closes, another opens. So it went with last night’s 9th episode of Dexter, titled “Helter Skelter.” Read on for the spoiler-filled recap…

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Dexter Season 7 Episode 8 Recap – “Argentina”

Posted by: on November 19, 2012 at 8:08 pm
Dexter Season 7 Episode 8 Recap – “Argentina”

What do you mean you won’t kill your girlfriend for me?

Ah love. What a crazy little thing. Love makes the world go ’round. It’s a many splendored thing, whatever “splendored” means. Love, they say, is all you need. But for Dexter, love is just plain complicated. Especially when it comes to Dexter’s girlfriend, Dexter’s sister, Dexter’s step kids, and, well, just read this spoiler-filled recap of Episode 8 to find out what else. You’ll “love” it!

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Dexter Season 7 Episode 6 Recap – “Do the Wrong Thing”

Posted by: on November 5, 2012 at 8:03 pm
Dexter Season 7 Episode 6 Recap – “Do the Wrong Thing”

Isn’t snow and plastic and killing romantic?

Ah, love. Boy meets girl. Boy pursues girl. Boy binds girl to table with plastic wrap in order to stab her to death with a giant knife… If you’re a fan of serial killer love, then read on for a spoilerific recap of Dexter Season 7 Episode 6, “Do the Wrong Thing.”

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