
Introducing Megafan Central, Where FleshEatingZipper Readers Are Rewarded!

Posted by on August 8, 2012 at 8:00 am

The intersection of Megafans and FleshEatingZipper.

You may have already noticed it on our Facebook page, but we’ve added a new hub for our biggest fans on Facebook. That’s right! Let me explain. So every time you like one of our Facebook posts, every time you share one of our articles, and every time you comment on our page, you get points. The more you share the FleshEatingZipper love, the more chances you’ll have to top the leaderboards! And don’t think the leaderboard bragging is all you’ll get, we’ll also start giving out prizes to our top sharers as well! Stay tuned to this space and we’ll be keeping you updated!

Keep (or start!) sharing FleshEatingZipper and watch as your fortunes increase!

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