
Google Catalog Will Turn You Into A Flaming Fashionisto

Posted by on August 19, 2011 at 8:13 am

What’s this? Google’s offering a new way for consumers to spend more time on the toilet? Holy app-le sauce, I can finally stop stealing my sisters catalogs! For those with iPads (sorry, but no love for Android tablet users) you can now download Google Catalog, a digital library of catalogs ranging from apparel to house warming gifts, for free. Now that I have an iPad to call my own, I decided to try it on for size. Find out how big my butt looks after the break!

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Google’s app lists seven different types of catalogs for you to choose from. Each sub catalog expands into various designer selections. For me, I was excited to see some familiar name brands and not so familiar ones. Since there are many out there without an iPad (bless your souls), I thought I’d take you on a typical session with Google Catalog.

The first catalog that I browsed was the August ’11 edition of Urban Outfitters. At first glance, I was greeted with a simple interface which made finding, choosing and saving different selections to my Google account easy.

Urban Outfitters aka Savers on Steroids

It doesn’t take one to figure out that these catalogs are for serious fashion driven individuals. What does that mean? Let’s just say you won’t be finding JCPenny’s Christmas extravaganza anytime soon.

Once I found an item that’s impossible to live without, touching a heart icon saved the article of clothing to my “G” account with the intention of purchasing it in the future.

Now that the window shopping is all finished, it’s time to see all of the articles of clothes together at the same time. Thanks to Google and their imaginative team, collages aren’t just for teenie weenie middle schoolers anymore.

It wasn’t until I finished that I realized I made a college of nicely dressed men set against a heart patterned backdrop. My weekend is complete.

As you can see, manipulating images to your liking is the name of the game. This fancy finger mode can become dangerous. I’m dead serious. Making a clothing collage while on a toilet is painful. Yet stopping is not an option — not when I’m looking for that one guy with the red corduroy pants.

If you have an iPad and have the slightest interest in wearing nice clothing, what are you waiting for?

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