
Would You Pay $2 A Month For A YouTube Channel? YouTube Thinks You Will

Posted by on May 6, 2013 at 9:55 am
YouTube's becoming a real business. *sniff*

YouTube’s becoming a real business. *sniff*

It wasn’t all that long ago when YouTube sought a bunch of partners to develop original content for them. It also wasn’t that much later that YouTube yanked a lot of those Channels’ funding when they weren’t making any money. Now YouTube has a new idea for these content providers: monthly subscriptions between $1-$5 a month. It kinda makes sense.

Now, I don’t watch YouTube content on the regular, which means I’m Google’s worst enemy in that regard, but if you’re into video content on the regular, this is a pretty good option. That YouTube is being so selective about it is a little weird, though. Couldn’t they make a lot more money by allowing all their YouTube Partners to set up their own subscription feeds? Wouldn’t that make a lot more sense? Okay, I’ll believe they’re just testing waters for now.

Source: VentureBeat

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