Angry Birds Is The Devil

Posted by on January 29, 2011 at 9:32 pm in Gaming

Angry Birds Is The Devil's the Devil

So…the Angry Birds phenomenon is wreaking havoc across the globe. I have people from all over the world on my various messenger lists who regularly comment about this brilliant little piece of software. Everything from admitting how addicted they are to casting eternal curses upon the creators. The comments are everywhere

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Gaming Failure of The Week: Bulletstorm Demo

Posted by on January 29, 2011 at 7:28 pm in Gaming

Gaming Failure of The Week: Bulletstorm Demo

Let’s be honest here: I have absolutely no qualms with the fact that Epic is building hyper-intense games with solid bricks of digital testosterone. The developer only recently gained that reputation with the Gears of War games – produced exclusively for the Xbox 360 – which made a lot of money for them. So, it makes sense that their first major multi-platform, post-Gears franchise doesn’t deviate too much from that reputation, instead notching it to an even further extreme.

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Dead Rising 2 Takes Zombie-Killing to the Next Level

Posted by on January 2, 2011 at 11:15 pm in Gaming

Dead Rising 2 Takes Zombie-Killing to the Next Level

Dead Rising 2 is the the second installment in the Dead Rising series. After recently completing the first game, I knew instantly that I had to play Dead Rising 2. I completed the first Dead Rising game in roughly 10 hours, and likewise, it took me the same amount of time to complete Dead Rising 2. I thoroughly loved it though. The storyline was compelling, and I really enjoyed playing the Terror is Reality multiplayer mode which will be discussed later. Read the rest of this article…

Pokemon Black and White Release Date Announced

Posted by on January 2, 2011 at 10:57 pm in Gaming

Pokemon Black and White Release Date Announced

Nintendo has announced the US release date for the next Pokemon games in the popular RPG series, Pokemon Black & White. The games are scheduled to be released on March 6, 2011.

As expected, the two versions will have some differences in them. For example, players will find the two legendary Pokemon are Reshiram in Pokemon Black, and Zekrom in Pokemon White. In addition to that, the games will also feature exclusive locations. Pokemon Black Version will feature a unique metropolitan area called Black City, while Pokemon White version will feature a green area named White Forest.

Tip: Gaming Home Theater System

Posted by on November 9, 2010 at 4:26 pm in Gaming

Tip: Gaming Home Theater System

Throw out your newly purchased CD changer and replace it with your gaming console! The new trend between my friends, myself and many people across the world is to set up the gaming consoles in the living room, linked up to your 42” flat screen high-definition TV and the superb home theater system to get one of the best gaming experiences you’ll ever have.

Combining the three technologies truly does bring gaming to life with the crystal-clear high definition TV showing those highly engineered graphics that you paid for and can often miss on non-HD TV’s. The home theater system makes the experience even more enhanced with the surround sound effect and bass orientated sub woofer as if you have taken your console to the local picture house. Call of Duty? You will hear the enemy crawling through the bushes behind you. Pro Evolution Soccer? You will feel as if you are sprinting on the pitch with your fellow team mates.

FIFA 11 Review

Posted by on November 5, 2010 at 4:34 pm in Gaming

FIFA 11 Review

The FIFA franchise has come a very long way to get where it is today, and while there are other games on the market, it seems as though gamers just can’t get enough of the hugely popular franchise – which added a little bit extra for FIFA 11. Read the rest of this article…

EA Sports MMA Review

Posted by on November 5, 2010 at 4:24 pm in Gaming

EA Sports MMA Review

I have to admit, I don’t understand the attraction of competing in MMA competitions. Don’t get me wrong, I adore martial arts – I come from a family of martial artists, ranging from boxing to karate and judo. I just don’t get the whole appeal of climbing into a cage and beating someone up. Maybe I am a pacifist (who plays a lot of violent video games, go figure). Read the rest of this article…

Halo: Reach Review

Posted by on November 5, 2010 at 4:21 pm in Gaming

Halo: Reach Review

So this is it, the end of an era. The very last Halo game developed by Bungie.

That’s more significant than the average video game release. The Halo franchise is the foundation upon which the Xbox empire was erected.

On its release in 2001, as a launch title for the nascent system, Halo: Combat Evolved demonstrated more than any other game that Microsoft would be able to go toe to toe with the reigning king of consoles, Sony’s PlayStation 2. The fact that this final Bungie release in the franchise, Halo: Reach, is a Big Deal was reinforced when sales earnt nearly $270 million in America and Europe within 24 hours of its release. Read the rest of this article…

Medal of Honour Review

Posted by on November 4, 2010 at 4:33 pm in Gaming

Medal of Honour Review

Funny thing, the games industry. If they’re not running out of ideas and rehashing them, they’re making copies of other people’s ideas. Or just recycling a name.

Medal of Honor, the subject of today’s ire, is a victim of at least two of the abovementioned. It shares a name with a 1999 classic on the PlayStation. Back then it was developed by Dreamworks, who’s since renamed its MoH studio to “Danger Close” – the folks who made this game. Read the rest of this article…

Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock Review

Posted by on November 4, 2010 at 4:27 pm in Gaming

Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock Review

We have, over the past few years, seen the Guitar Hero franchise grow from strength to strength. The originality of the original concept, coupled with excellent marketing and good products, makes for a very entertaining history for these titles.

And while Guitar Hero does have some stiff competition in the form of Rock Band, the fact that it was the originator of a whole new idea still gives it a very strong presence in the market. In fact, the success of the Guitar Hero franchise is undeniable, with it having raked in enormous piles of money through both physical sales and downloadable content. Read the rest of this article…