Every Single Article Written by Rob - All 587

ARMA 3 Devs Prepare For Large Beta Content Patch And Release Candiate

Posted by: on July 31, 2013 at 11:35 pm
ARMA 3 Devs Prepare For Large Beta Content Patch And Release Candiate

How pretty is that?

Bohemia Interactive has released another update to the ARMA 3 beta, along with a Sitrep which indicates they are preparing for the imminent launch of the highly anticipated MilSim by hoping to have a release candidate prepared for Gamescom, in Germany, on August 22nd of this year.

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Age Of Wushu – Beta Impressions

Posted by: on July 24, 2013 at 10:05 pm
Age Of Wushu – Beta Impressions

It really is that pretty…

I wrote about Age of Wushu, the Chinese fighting style MMO from Snail Games, after I got my hands on it at E3. Of course the play time I got there was somewhat limited and very scripted so when we got home I put my hands on the beta and I have been giving it a bit of a play through so that I could get some real experience with it.

So what’s the verdict?

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Vikings On History Channel – Why Didn’t I Know About This?

Posted by: on July 23, 2013 at 2:06 am
Vikings On History Channel – Why Didn’t I Know About This?

Rape, kill, pillage and burn…and not necessarily in that order.

So, I was looking around at some of my viewing options the other day and came across “Vikings”, a new television show which is being aired on The History Channel. Being as I am known to regularly roll with our gamers in The Sons Of Odin, this is relevant to my interests so I turned it on and watched…well…all of it.

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Upcoming Phoenix Wright Title Catches An M Rating

Posted by: on July 18, 2013 at 2:11 pm
Upcoming Phoenix Wright Title Catches An M Rating

The Ace Attourney catches an M rating

What’s this world coming to? I’ll tell you! It’s coming to the point where a Phoenix Wright title, namely “Dual Destinies” manages to grab itself an M rating from the ESRB. How’d that happen?

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‘ARMA 3’ Beta Update Adds New Vehicles

Posted by: on July 16, 2013 at 10:55 pm
‘ARMA 3’ Beta Update Adds New Vehicles

Arma 3 – THE battlefield simulator

One of the things that the ARMA series is best known for is the coordination of combined arms on the virtual battlefield and it’s becoming clear that ARMA 3 will be no exception. The game already had numerous vehicles and today Bohemia added two more to the dev branch of the beta. To the point: I’ve played with them.

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‘Age Of Wushu’ To Become A Motion Picture

Posted by: on July 15, 2013 at 9:38 pm
‘Age Of Wushu’ To Become A Motion Picture

Yes, the world DOES need another Kung Fu movie!

Well, this seems to be getting more and more common. Movies and television shows based on or tied into video games? Sure! Defiance did it and now Age of Wushu is doing it, too. Back before the days of the Mortal Kombat movies, it was rare (unheard of?) for a video game to be associated with a movie, except when games came out based on films. So why now?

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‘ARMA 3’ Creator Bohemia Interactive: HACKED

Posted by: on July 12, 2013 at 6:53 pm
‘ARMA 3’ Creator Bohemia Interactive: HACKED

Seems BIS has “Arrived”

Well, add Bohemia Interactive to the list of game developers who have had their database(s) hacked by useless skids (the very derogatory term for kiddies who use scripts to do their hacking for them). This has happened so many times in the past with other developers that it sort of seems like old-hat at this point.

So what did the hackers get?

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‘Star Citizen’: What’s In Store With The New Stretch Goals?

Posted by: on July 11, 2013 at 9:14 am
‘Star Citizen’: What’s In Store With The New Stretch Goals?

Every day, the pool gets bigger and the rewards get better!

The crowdfunding run for Chris Roberts’ upcoming Star Citizen is by far the most impressive the world has ever seen. From the Kickstarter campaign that raised over $2 million, Chris went on to private crowdfunding in hopes of raising enough money to be able to release his game without the help of not just publishers, but private investors, a feat he says will require Cloud Imperium Games to raise $20 million.

In exchange for the generosity of his customers, Chris has regularly expanded the scope of the finished game. So what’s being offered now?

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‘Grand Theft Auto V’s Gameplay Trailer Is Finally Here

Posted by: on July 9, 2013 at 10:54 pm
‘Grand Theft Auto V’s Gameplay Trailer Is Finally Here

Dat Trailer

Rockstar Games released the first gameplay trailer for GTAV today which, in my opinion, looks crazy sick. As the opening narration states:

With Grand Theft Auto 5, Rockstar have tried to reimagine the open world game in a number of ways…

Of course, they then go on to show us all about it.

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UFC 162: Anderson Silva Knocked Out For Being Cocky

Posted by: on July 8, 2013 at 2:43 pm
UFC 162: Anderson Silva Knocked Out For Being Cocky

This is what happens when you’re an arrogant prick.

I’ve never been a fan of Anderson Silva. Even since his days in PRIDE – the Japanese fighting organization that’s been used as a talent farm for the UFC on more than one occasion – I knew he wasn’t the kind of fighter I’d like to watch. Sure, he’s got power. Sure, he’s fast. Sure, it’s impressive to watch him dodge a dozen punches in a row. All of those things would be major attractions to me if it weren’t for the fact that the guy is incredibly full of himself.

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