Every Single Article Written by Kelly - All 498
Lostcast the Podcast – Everybody Hate on Kelly Edition
Kate Upton & Snoop Dogg – You Got What I Eat (Hot Pockets Music Video)
There are only a few things hotter in the world than Kate Upton. One of those things being a Hot Pocket fresh out of the microwave, that crispity crust and the ooey gooey cheese, ooh wee, nephew! There I go, talking like Snoop again. Read the rest of this article…
The Podcast #3 – We’re Finally Back
YouTube Videos Loading Slow? Not Loading? Try Out This Chrome Extension!
After my last article complaining about YouTube videos not loading, I did a bunch of research trying to figure out the issue and why it happens. I am pretty sure I found the issue and it looks to be on YouTube’s side with the way they send the video data to your browser. I’m no expert, but it looks like YouTube is sending a short burst of data depending on a quick speed check. Then every few seconds it tries to send more data and the cycle continues. Read on to see my conclusions! Read the rest of this article…
Meet ATLAS, Boston Dynamics’ Latest Humanoid Robot
The DARPA Challenge continues with with seven teams competing to program ATLAS to kill! …I’m kidding, I’m kidding. They’re programming ATLAS to be able to complete tasks in a disaster-related situation. Read the rest of this article…
Why Can’t I Watch YouTube Videos? Help Me, Internet!
Last week, Rob gave you some instructions on how we cleared up some YouTube slowness we’ve been experiencing at the FEZ Palace in hopes it might clear up some issues you might be having. Well, it hasn’t been too helpful for me, maybe its my computer and someone can point out issues that have been frustrating me. Let me dive a little deeper into the issue and maybe we can collaborate on something about this YouTube mess. Read the rest of this article…
PlayStation 4 and Xbox One Console Exclusives: How Do They Stack Up?
It’s pretty interesting to see the split of the different genre games coming exclusively to each platform. The PS4 will have a lot of MMO, PC style games while the Xbox One seems to have more of a mix. Read the rest of this article…
Rockstar Answers Questions About ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ But No Word On Next-Gen and PC Releases
The much-anticipated Grand Theft Auto V releases September 17th for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and there hasn’t been much from Rockstar except for screenshots. The biggest question that’s still on everyone’s mind is will there be next-gen and PC releases? Read the rest of this article…
AltaVista is Still Around, But Only For Another Week
Did you know that AltaVista is still around and still receives about 1 million visitors a month? Currently owned by Yahoo, AltaVista will be shut down on July 8th. AltaVista hasn’t really been anything more than a brand for the last few years as the search results use Yahoo. It’s crazy to think that in 1996, Yahoo was actually using AltaVista for its search results. Read the rest of this article…
Windows 8.1’s Marketing Is Confusing As Hell
Seriously. Months back, the tech media started talking about Microsoft’s Windows Blue, the next version of Windows. Didn’t Windows 8 just release? Was it that big of a flop that Microsoft needed to scramble and build the next version? Well, no. Tech ites either blew everything out of proportion or they’re still confused. Read the rest of this article…